Sixth Form Bursary Guidance

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Bursary Policy

Bursary Application

What Is The Bursary Fund?

The Hanley Bursary is a fund to support students aged 16-19, following BTEC and A Level courses. Applications can be made by a student at Hanley Sixth Form who is studying a course in The Sixth Form.

The amount of each award will be assessed and disbursed on an individual, case by case basis as detailed in the individual’s application form. You will see later on in these guidelines that there are three types of applications that can be made. Two types of application involve the school making discretionary payments and the remaining one is for vulnerable students who will automatically be awarded a set amount.

Bursaries will be used to help young people pay for the costs related to participation e.g. costs of trips directly associated with the course, transport, books and equipment and other course-related costs.

How Old Must The Student Be To Claim?

To be eligible to receive a bursary the young person must be under 19 on 31st August in the academic year in which they start their programme of study. Where a young person turns 19 during their programme of study, they can continue to be supported to the end of the academic year in which they turn 19, or to the end of programme of study, whichever is sooner.

Who Is Eligible?

Below is an explanation of the three levels of applications that can be made. Please read this information before deciding which level applies. Level A is the only award that guarantees a set amount of money.

Attached to these guidelines are two application forms. Please complete the one that is relevant to your application i.e. Non-Discretionary Award or Discretionary Award and attach your supporting evidence (please read the further information guidelines below for more information regarding evidence that can be used).

Level A (Non-Discretionary Award)

A £1,200 bursary will be made available to students who the Government has classed as ‘vulnerable’. The eligible groups are students who are:

· in care

· care leavers

· receiving Income Support (IS) or Universal Credit (UC) in place of Income Support in their own right

· receiving Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments in their own right

· Please note that to qualify as eligible for a vulnerable student payment the young person does not have to live independently of their parents; they can claim ESA or UC in their own right. Parents should note that they will not be able to claim Child Benefit for them if the young person’s claim for ESA succeeds.

Supporting evidence must be provided before any payment can be paid.

Level 1 (Discretionary Award)

A discretionary award will be made to students who have a total gross annual household income of £16,190 or less.

Please note that the amount paid will be dependent on individual circumstances and the receipt of supporting evidence.

Level 2 (Discretionary Award)

For students whose parents/carers have a gross annual household income of between £16,190 and £25,521.

These students will be considered for a discretionary award to support them with their studies but will receive a smaller contribution than students who meet Level 1 requirements.

Please note that the amount paid will also be dependent on individual circumstances and the receipt of supporting evidence.

What Evidence Is Required?

The School will need to take account of the student’s income as evidenced by receipt of benefit and/or P60, Tax Credit Award Notice or evidence of self employment income or 3-6 months’ worth of bank statement as evidence. Students currently or previously in receipt of free school meals are not automatically entitled to receive a bursary, but this may be taken into account.

Further Information

Bursary awards will only be granted to students who meet the conditions of the Hanley Castle Home School Agreement.

Applications will be made by returning the relevant application form with details of income attached and, crucially, how the money will be spent by the student to support their learning.

If an application is unsuccessful, an appeal can be lodged in accordance with Hanley Castle’s complaints procedure for due consideration by the Head of Sixth Form, the Head and then by a panel of ASC members.