SEN/D Information Report

SEN Information Report for Hanley Castle High School

 Link to SEN and Inclusion policy


1. Our school’s approach to supporting pupils with SEND

Hanley Castle High School is committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education to all of its students. We believe that all children and young people, including those identified as having special educational needs and or a disability and/or learning differences, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life. This is achieved through a three-tier system of support:


 2. Catering for different kinds of SEND

Hanley Castle High School recognises that SEND fall into four broad areas of need. Below are the four areas of needs and a list of Wave 2 and Wave 3 interventions that can be used to support students with needs that fall under each of these four areas of need.

Communication and interaction:
• Termly case reviews of students seen by Speech and Language Therapy Team
• WordAware interventions
• TalkAbout
• Referrals to Complex Communication Needs Team
• Termly case reviews by Complex Communication Needs Team of students with EHCPs and diagnosis of ASC
• Specialist LSA ASC awareness sessions
• Specialist LSA dyslexia support sessions
• Lego play therapy
Social, emotional and mental health:
• Referrals to the school counsellor
• Access to anxiety therapist
• Anger management
• Referrals to Complex Communication Needs Team
• Aspire break and lunchtime clubs
• Morning Motivator
• Homunculi intervention
Cognition and Learning:
• Homework club
• Targeted in-class support for students with EHCPs
• IT support for laptop use in-class
• Dyscalculia support
• Maths intervention
• English intervention
• Key Stage 3 catch up interventions in English and maths
Physical/Medical needs
• Radio contact to assist with sporadic mobility issues
• Frequent check-ins with students with PD
• Termly case reviews by Physical Disabilities Team
• Termly case reviews by Hearing Impaired Team
• Termly case reviews by Visual Impaired Team
• Support in use of specialist bathroom management area



The SENCo is James Laidler, BA Hons, PGCE, NASENCo post graduate diploma. If you need to contact the SENCo:
External calls: 01684 593241 (extension 6)


4. Key Staff for delivering Wave 2 and 3 interventions:

• SALT trained staff: Keren Yardley; Julienne Bunker
• Dyslexia support sessions: Ruth McDowell
• ASC support sessions: Claire Suttling; Natalie Stimpson
• Lego play therapy: Natalie Stimpson
• IT support for SEN students: Rachael Strange
• Maths intervention: Alan Fellows
• English intervention: Claire Suttling
• Dyscalculia support: Alan Fellows
• Learning Assessments: Julienne Bunker


5. External professionals

These professionals are consulted as part of our graduated approach to SEN:

• Educational psychology
• Speech language and communication team
• Complex Communication Difficulties/Autism Team
• Learning support Team
• School nursing services
• School counselling service
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
• Regency Outreach Team including PD, HI and VI Teams
• Teacher of the Deaf (Hearing Impairment Team)
• Occupational Therapy (assessments made through School Nursing Services)


6. Identifying and assessing pupils with SEND

Progress of students, including those with SEND, is tracked using the school’s assessment and tracking systems. Students are assessed regularly using a combination of the following:

• formative teacher assessment
• summative assessments
• terminal formal exams
• teacher observation and questioning
• reading assessments
• Key Stage 2-3 SENCO transition meetings

In addition to the above, SEND students’ progress is measured using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model which incorporates the graduated approach. Specialist assessments can also be used to measure progress such as: strengths and difficulties questionnaires; CTOPP learning assessments and the Boxall profile.

Students with an Education Health and Care Plan will have their progress assessed and monitored formally via an annual review.


7. Transitions

Year 6:
• During the spring and summer term, prior to admission in year 7, all HUET primary schools are visited by the SENCo and all necessary information is transferred to allow for continuity
• A member of the SEN team will always try to attend year 6 EHCP annual reviews
• Transition booklets are shared with primary feeder schools

Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 Transition:
• SEND students are supported between KS3 and KS4 through a well-planned options process
• Guidance meetings are also available to all students.
• Access to specialist careers advice for identified students to support them with future transitions
• Where necessary, multi-agency collaboration may also take place to support students as they enter into adulthood.

Moving schools:
• Person centred meeting with key adults from both schools to discuss transition
• Transfer of files to relevant provider
• Option of transition package, if deemed appropriate

Leaving HCHS:
• At the end of KS4 and KS5 appropriate SEND information is shared with the relevant educational institutions via transfer of hard files and face to face or telephone communication with the relevant personnel at the new education provider
• A person-centred meeting will take place with key individuals invited.

Admission arrangements

• Children with additional educational needs are considered for admission to the school on exactly the same basis as for children without additional needs.

• Those children with a Statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan which names Hanley Castle High School will automatically secure a place in the school.

• Prior to starting school, the parents/carers of children with a statement of SEN, an education, health and care plan or a plan pending will be invited to discuss the provision that can be made to meet the child’s identified needs.


Parental and Student voice

Hanley Castle High School recognises the valuable contributions that parents make towards their child’s education. Parents are invited to provide their views as part of the annual review process but parental contributions at any time of the year are welcome should they have a concern or query. Furthermore, student voice is also recognised and valued; students are also invited to submit their views as part of the annual review process. Hanley Castle High School also collects and collates student voice at timely intervals throughout the year via the school questionnaire. These views help the school to adapt and improve, where necessary.


Evaluating SEND provision

Data comparing the attainment of SEN/D students with other students in the school and with those in similar schools is analysed annually and incorporated into Aspire@Hanley’s self-evaluation document.

Data measuring the impact of all intervention programmes is also analysed at the end of each intervention and reviewed 6 weeks later ensuring on-going evaluation. This data is then shared with parents and is accessible to all staff.

All analyses are used to plan future provision and to formulate the Aspire department development plan.

Termly, the SENCo will provide information to the governing body as to the numbers of students receiving special educational needs provision. The Headteacher will also report on any whole school developments in relation to inclusion and will ensure that governors are kept up to date with any legislative or local policy changes.

SEN and Inclusion will be regular items at full governing body meetings.

The SENCo will meet with the SEN Governor to discuss inclusion and current SEN concerns. The SEN Governor will lead governor monitoring of the SEN and Inclusion policy through sampling, observations and other procedures to be agreed annually.

The SEN and Inclusion policy will be reviewed annually by the Head teacher, the SENCo, Governor with responsibility for SEN, representatives of the teaching and support staff and Aspire’s Parent Voice.

The school’s evaluation and monitoring arrangements provide an active process of continual review and improvement of provision for all pupils.


Handling complaints

• If a parent wishes to complain about the provision or the policy, they should, in the first instance, raise it with the SENCo, who will try to resolve the situation.

• If the issue cannot be resolved within 10 working days the parent can submit a formal complaint to the Head teacher in writing or other accessible format. The Head teacher will respond within 10 working days.

• Any issues that remain unresolved at this stage will be managed according to the school’s Complaints Policy. This is available through the Parent Portal accessible via the school website or by requesting a copy from the school office.

Local Offer

The Worcestershire Local Offer can be found here.


Useful contacts:

For parental support and additional information, the following agencies may be of use: Worcestershire SENDIAS offers a free confidential and impartial service for children and young people with Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and their parents and carers.
Telephone: 01905 768153 Email: 

Kids Independent support:
Independent supporters are trained to help families and young people through the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process.
Telephone: 01384 423868



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