Do you think you or a friend might have been sexually exploited?
Do you want advice or someone to talk to?
Are you worried about your child or a young person in your care?
Please tell someone.
Remember there is always someone there who can help. Many helplines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some national and local agencies who are there to help.
If you think a crime has been committed contact the Police on 101 (always dial 999 in an emergency). If you want to report a crime anonymously call Crimestoppers UK on 0800 555 1111 or visit the Say Something web page or helpline 116 000.
Childline Childline can help you with all sorts of problems you or your child may be worried about. These worries include mental health difficulties, anxieties or issues with health, worries about your living situation or education. You can call them for free to speak to someone privately. You can contact a Childline counsellor about anything, no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111 or visit |
Kooth Kooth is an online support service for young people that offers individual advice from qualified counsellors and advice for self-help. Visit the website |
Mind Mind is a nationwide mental health charity which is able to offer information and support for a variety mental health issues. Working closely with the NHS they have a wide range of resources and information on their website, including an A-Z of Mental Health, advice for helping someone, guides to support, services and Elelfriends - their online community. Everyone is affected by a mental health difficulty at some point in their lifetime and Mind are on hand to help. Call on 0300 123 3393 for their infoline. Visit the website |
YoungMinds & CAMHS YoungMinds is a charitable organisation which work with the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to provide support, advice and counselling to young people experiencing depression, anxiety, bullying and eating difficulties. They offer a parent helpline for parents and carers worried about their children's mental wellbeing. You can find a guide to support offered at Their Parental helpline can be reached through 0808 802 5544 Visit the website
Self Harm Young minds also have a guide for Parents about self-harm. Find the Guide here. |
Think You Know Think You Know is a website you can go to that will help answer your questions and to let you know how to be safe when you are using the internet. You probably use the internet for games or to talk to friends or even to search for information - Think You Know can help you stay safe. Visit the website at |
Dos and Don'ts
DO NOT share private information on the internet.
If you are not sure DO check with your parents/carers before you give out information.
DO use the same rules when you surf the internet as you would walking down a street.
NEVER have face-to-face meetings with anyone you only know online.
DO accept friend requests from people you already know if you are friends with them.
DO NOT accept friend requests or messages from strangers.
Cyber Bullying is when one or more people try to tease , harass, threaten or embarrass another person using technology such as mobile phones or the internet.
Support and helpful information sheets for Parents and Carers
Click on the bullet points above for more information.
Carers Direct Carers Direct is for anyone who is looking after a family member who is ill or disabled or needs special help. It is part of the NHS website and offers information and advice. There is a phone number you can call to talk to someone on 0808 802 0202. Or can you visit their website |
There are lots of different people who can help you if you are being hurt at home or if you are worried about someone in your family being hurt at home. It can happen to anyone, but we don't always know who the right person is to talk to.
Refuge Refuge is an organisation that can help you if you are experiencing violence at home. They have information on their website about who you can talk to, how you can talk to them, and what to do if you are worried. You can visit their website at |
The NSPCC The NSPCC is there to talk to you if you are worried about a child being hurt or abused by someone. They are able to offer support and to take some details from you about what is happening. They can also offer a counselling service to young. You can visit their website at You can email them on or you can call them on 0808 800 5000
Shelter Shelter is able to offer housing advice to anyone who is experiencing or at risk of homelessness. You can find information on what to do about homelessness, private renting, tenancy deposits, repossession, eviction, repairs, housing benefits and council houses. You can visit their website at |
Drink Aware If you are worried about how much you are drinking or how much a loved one is drinking, there is a lot of helpful advice and support on the drinkaware website. They also have a helpful drink tracker and tools for managing what your alcohol intake is. On their website you will find a list of alcohol support services with helplines available. Visit their website at |
Brook If you are worried about a young person who might be pregnant, have any questions about pregnancy or know they are already pregnant and looking for support, Brook is able to help. they are a national organisation dedicated to educating young people about pregnancy and sexual health, and have many links with other support services and helplines. They also have a forum available for users to post questions and communicate with each other in a safe and supportive environment. Visit their website on |
Family Lives Family Lives offer a listening and supportive, non-judgemental service for parents. They have a lot of information on their website, including parenting advice videos and forums to chat to other families. They offer online parenting courses too for those wanting to be prepared for parenthood. You can visit their website on Alternatively you can call their helpline on 0808 800 2222 for information, advice, guidance and support between 9a.m. and 9p.m. Monday to Friday or 10a.m. to 3p.m. at the weekend. |
NSPCC Every child has the right to not be touched by an adult when they do not want to be. Female Genital Mutilation is illegal, and a form of abuse, therefore should be dealt with quickly and seriously. FGM comprises all procedures involving partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The NSPCC has a special helpline for anyone concerned about FGM, or anyone who has been affected by FGM. You can call them on 0800 028 3550 or email them directly on If you are concerned that a child is at imminent risk of harm, or may leave the country for the purpose of FGM in the next 48 hours you can call the police on 999. Where concerns are not imminent but are still serious, please call the Children's Helpdesk on 01452 426565. For more information visit the NSPCC website here. |
Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) The FMU is a government initiative set up to support anyone who is worried about or at risk of being forced into a marriage, or anyone who has already been forced to marry another person. A trained professional will give you free advice on what you can do next, and help you with find a safe place to stay or stopping a visa if you have been forced to sponsor someone. You have the right to choose who you marry, when you marry or if you marry at all. Visit their website on Call their support line Monday to Friday (9a.m. to 5p.m.) on 0207 008 0151 or during out of work hours on 0207 008 1500 and ask for the global response centre. |
The Freedom Charity The Freedom Charity has been raising awareness and working hard to stop forced marriages form happening within the UK. On their website you will find resources, information and direction for how to get support if you are concerned about someone or yourself. Visit their website on Or call their helpline on 0845 607 0133 Alternatively you can text them on 88802 and they will call you back. You need to send the message '4freedom'. |
PREVENT PREVENT is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. It is one of the four elements of CONTES, the Government's counter terrorism strategy aiming to stop people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism. The Home Office works with local authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts, and a wide range of government departments and community organisations to deliver the strategy. Please click here for a link to the official government document. Attached is a helpful guide for parents about Keeping Children and Young People Safe Against Radicalisation and Extremism. |
STOPTHETRAFFIK STOPTHETRAFFIK is dedicated to the abolition of human tafficking, including sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, labour exploitation, forced marriage, organ harvesting, forced criminality, drug trade and child soldiers. On their websites are resources on spotting the signs of trafficking, ways to help or get involved in what they do and a safe place to share information on trafficking if you are worried about someone or at risk yourself. Visit their website on |