How to support your child / useful resources

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers. Parents and carers will be involved with the options choice process in Year 8 and post 16 and post 18 pathway choices. They will be supported in helping their child find suitable work experience placements and with information about resources for careers planning that can provide information and guidance for both them and their child.

We strive to ensure that parents and carers are well informed about options, work experience and where to go for advice and guidance.

Some of the ways in which you can support your child are:
• explore careers resources together
• attend information evenings and parent consultation evenings
• discuss aspirations for the future
• discuss options and post 16 and post 18 pathway choices
• reinforce expectations for behaviour and learning
• encourage research and uptake of work experience and work placements
• encourage your child to talk to their teachers about their career aspirations
• encourage your child to attend careers guidance meetings.



Apprenticeships are an excellent pathway choice for some students after both Y11 and Y13. With the growth of Higher ad Degree Apprenticeships, students now have a real alternative to traditional university study, with opportunity to move their career forward, gain professional skills, status and accreditation – all while in a job and earning a salary. Students over the age of 16 can apply for an apprenticeship.

There are various levels of Apprenticeships students can undertake depending on current skills and qualifications:
• Intermediate Level Apprenticeship (Level 2)
• Advanced Level Apprenticeship (Level 3)
• Higher and Degree Level Apprenticeships (Level 4 or above)

A traineeship is suitable for those students who are not yet ready for a job or an apprenticeship. Undertaking a traineeship will give you training and help to prepare you for the world of work and will provide support with English and Maths skills and relevant work experience.


For further information about Apprenticeships and Traineeships go to:

Worcestershire Apprenticeships – local apprenticeship vacancies. Provides support and resources for students and parents on all aspects of apprenticeships

Government apprenticeship website – information about apprenticeships and details of all current vacancies across the country

Amazing Apprenticeships and Get My First Job

2 Counties Training - Worcs County Council – Traineeships/Study Programmes



There are many agencies that are available to support young people with making choices and decisions for their future career path. They can offer advice and guidance to enable students to make informed choices, discover and explore jobs and career paths not previously considered, understand realities of the current job market and available opportunities, help to identify qualities and skills looked for by employers.

The school has invested in an on-line platform (eCLIPS) to provide impartial careers advice and guidance:

eCLIPS – this site offers students, parents and staff information on thousands of careers and job roles. A password is required to access this site and can be obtained from Mrs Price, Careers Leader. – Worcestershire’s online careers tool designed to provide young people and their parents with all the information required to understand the career opportunities and pathways available in Worcestershire.

National Careers Service – can help with assessing skills, finding suitable courses, understanding the job market, exploring career areas. You can also speak to a professional careers advisor on the phone or by webchat

icould provides free careers support and guidance for young people. They aim to show what is possible within the work environment and provide various ways to think about careers. There is access to personal video stories, detailed job information and practical tips, insight and advice. Careers related articles – people sharing their experiences to advice from career experts. Information for parents on how to support their child with making informed decisions. Take the ‘Buzz Quiz’ – personality profile assessment.



Post 16 - The Russell Group's 'Informed Choices' guide is a guide to assist students in considering the best courses and subjects to study at sixth form or college.

UCAS – offers advice on course choices and options after Post 16 studies. In addition, students can start to explore universities and course entry requirements.

Post 18Notgoingtouni not planning on going to university? The one stop site for apprenticeships, gap years, distance learning and jobs.

Prospects – the UK’s biggest graduate careers website but also provides a wealth of information on applying for university and graduate career options.


Links to specific career pathways:

Careers in Healthcare

Careers in Engineering, Technology Science and Maths (STEM)

Armed Forces and Emergency Services:

Although we have made every effort to ensure that this information was correct at the time of publication, websites and web addresses are particularly subject to change, which may make the information become gradually less accurate.

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