
Awarding Body


Course Level


Qualifications worth

Grades 1 - 9

What is the Course?

You will develop your enjoyment and knowledge of theatre as a member of an audience and as a participant. The GCSE Drama course allows you to develop your confidence and communication skills as well as extending your appreciation of different theatrical styles. You have the opportunity to work with others and will learn how to create, develop, perform and evaluate your own work.

What will I do?

The four main areas of study are:

  • Devised project with written portfolio
  • Performance of a script in a small group
  • Set text exploration for a written exam
  • Live theatre analysis

You will learn about the skills required in performance and have the opportunity to develop your own acting.

What is assessed and how?

You will be assessed at the end of the course. You will be given a mark for your acting, your ability to work in a group and how well you can reflect on your skills. You will also have a written exam where you will be assessed on your ideas for performing an extract of a play and your ability to reflect on live theatre.

Additional Information

You will have to work in groups all year. This means you need to be committed and reliable. You may find that your group will want to arrange extra rehearsals and you will be expected to be there. It is also a requirement of the course that we go to the theatre. All students taking GCSE Drama thoroughly enjoy the course.

What will this qualification allow me to do?

he GCSE Drama course is suitable for students who are considering further study in Drama and Theatre Studies at A Level or BTEC Level 3. However, we have had students who have chosen the subject in order to broaden their experiences and develop their confidence. If you enjoy working with others in a practical manner you will enjoy this GCSE.

Useful links & Publications
