Grades 1 - 9
The GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition is a new exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. The course will encourage learners to cook and enable them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life. It will allow the students to understand the huge challenges that we face globally to supply the world with nutritious and safe food.
The main areas of study include:
Some of the skills you will develop will be:
There are two assessed elements of the course each accounting for 50% of the final GCSE grades
Component 1: Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition
A written examination - externally set and marked. 1 hour 45 minutes
This component will consist of two sections both containing compulsory questions and will assess the six areas of content as listed in the specified GCSE content.
Section A: is multiple choice question
Section B: structured, short and extended response questions to assess content related to food preparation and nutrition.
Component 2: Food Preparation and Nutrition in Action
Non-examination assessment - internally assessed, externally moderated. There are two tasks:
Assessment 1: Food Investigation Assessment
Students will investigate the working characteristics and the functional and chemical properties of a particular ingredient through practical investigation. They will produce a report when will include research into 'how ingredients work and why'. This report will be between 1500 and 2000 words (6-8 sides of A4 or A3 equivalent). Practical investigations are a compulsory element of this non-exam assessment. Students will complete this within 10 hours.
Assessment 2: Food Preparation Assessment
In this task students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes to meet the needs of a specific context. They must select appropriate technical skills and processes and create 3 - 4 dishes to showcase their skills. They will then produce their final menu within a single time frame of no more than 3 hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.
Students will produce a concise portfolio. The portfolio is not to exceed 20 sides of A4 or A3 equivalent. Students will complete this within 20 hours (including the 3-hour final assessment within a single block of time).
Both of the non-examined assessments will be based on a choice of tasks released by the exam board annually.
The written exam will be during the official GCSE exam weeks (June of Year 11)
Task 1 will be assessed in the first part of the autumn term in Year 11 (September & October)
Task 2 will be assessed during the spring term of Year 11
Pupils opting for this course should expect to participate in regular practical activities (usually one per week) and will be required to provide the necessary ingredients for these practical sessions. They will also be required to provide necessary ingredients for the food preparation assessment task and this may also require the provision of peripheries (e.g. table decorations, appropriate serving dishes etc).
The course is particularly suited to those students who enjoy cookery and working with food.
Studying Food Preparation and Nutrition can lead to exciting and well paid career options. Consumers are becoming increasingly reliant on the food industry to develop solutions for their nutritional needs. This course could lead you into roles such as a Chef, Food Product Developer, Buyer (who travels the world sourcing new food products for manufacturers), Food Safety Inspectors, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Quality Managers, Teacher, Food Engineer, Food Scientist, Food Technologist, Food Photographer, Food Stylist, Home Economist, Hotel and Restaurant Manager, Microbiologist, working in food magazines, radio and television.
Food Careers