The HCHS designated Careers Leader is Mrs Louise Price
01684 593241
At Hanley Castle High School the vision within our careers programme is to enable our students to make aspirational, realistic and informed choices for their future – helping every young person to find their best next step.
Through our careers related learning programme, all students will be supported to develop the skills, abilities and attitudes to achieve their personal best and are well prepared for post 16/18 pathways and the world of work. They will be given opportunity to participate in a range of meaningful careers activities, introducing them to a wide range of careers, meeting with employers and having experience of the workplace.
To help our students make these important choices we organise a range of experiences with external providers. A provider wishing to request access should contact Louise Price (Careers Leader).
Click here for our Provider Access policy
An effective careers guidance programme has never been more important. Education, training and employment opportunities can be complex to navigate and are more challenging than ever before. The Hanley Castle Careers Programme provides our students with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to manage their personal career plans in order for them to succeed in their chosen pathway.
At each transition stage students will receive additional support and guidance from their tutors, our Careers Leader and the relevant Key Stage Teams. They are supported in making choices and decisions by giving access to impartial information and guidance as to the range of options available (including academic, vocational/technical and apprenticeships).
Our programme has been developed and mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the latest CDI (Careers Development Institute) Framework.
Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools and colleges in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance.
They provide an evidence-based structure of how careers information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) should be delivered in schools. At Hanley Castle High School we ensure that our programme is clearly mapped against these guidelines.
Careers Development (CDI) Framework
The main purpose of the CDI’s Career Development Framework is to clarify the skills, knowledge and attitudes that students need to have a positive career.
A ‘positive career’ will mean something different to everyone, but it will typically include being happy with the way you spend your time, being able to contribute to your community and being able to have a decent standard of living.
Career development skills are the learning outcomes that career development programmes and interventions should be aiming to bring about. They need to be developed alongside academic skills and knowledge and employability skills (the skills that you need for work and employment).
The CDI’s Career Development Framework describes the six career development skills that people need to have positive careers.
Click here for our Careers Strategy
Click here for our Careers Programme
Click here for our Provider Access Policy
Click here for our CEIAG Policy
The Careers Team
Careers Lead: Louise Price Careers Advisor / Head of Work Related Learning: Louise Price Careers Link Governor: Natasha Jackson-Booth |