Grades 1-9
This three year course offers students the opportunity to investigate Religion and religious responses to fundamental questions of life. These questions will not only help prepare students for other academic studies but also for 'life beyond Hanley'. The themes include: our use and abuse of the environment, animal welfare, issues surrounding euthanasia, the causes of war, pacifism, Human Rights, social justice and discrimination.
This course is suitable for candidates of any religious persuasion or for those without religious beliefs.
Students will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of the role religions have played in forming the world in which we live and how both religions and their adherents continue to exert an influence over world events, politics, Human Rights and social justice.
Students will learn how religion forms the basis of our culture, and RS at GCSE is an ideal foundation subject for further study at A-level and beyond. The subject also compliments study within other academic disciplines, aiding deeper understanding of English literature, politics, sociology and history (as examples).
RS provides a sound background for any career where understanding people is an asset. Employers can look favourably at applicants who have considered their own beliefs and understanding of the world around them, developing their empathy along the way.
The course is divided into two components; the first is a study of religions and we study Christianity and Islam, exploring their beliefs and teachings and also their practices. The second component is a study of philosophical and ethical/moral issues, explored through both secular and religious perspectives, giving students an opportunity to apply knowledge gained in component one to the various issues.
Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes
Paper 2 : 1 hour 45 minutes
Each paper is worth 50% of the overall mark. Assessment is entirely exam based with no coursework element.
Both papers will be sat at the end of Year 11.
GCSE Religious Education is seen as complimentary to many career paths. It enables to students to gain a clearer understanding of the influence religion continues to have on individuals and world events even if their own background is primarily secular. It encourages them to explore their own understanding of a range of philosophical and ethical issues and compare and contrast their views with others. Career paths that value the skills developed through this course include law, politics, journalism, medicine, social work, teaching, Human Resources, media, counselling, public relations and many more.
Please click here for TRS-UK (Theology and Religious Studies), an organisation working to promote undergraduate applications and careers to which a degree in TRS can lead:
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