
Awarding Body

Pearson Edexcel

Course Level

GCSE - Higher & Foundation Tiers

What is the Course?

The GCSE course offers students the opportunity to build on topics studied at KS3 as well as moving on to new areas. Students choosing this subject need to have studied it in KS3.

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are weighted equally, making up 25% each of the assessed content. This is a perfect choice for those who enjoy communicating with others, finding out about how language works and learning about different countries and cultures through a wide range of listening and reading material including some extracts of literary texts such as poems and short stories. The content is designed to be both practical and relevant to a range of situations; translation to and from the target language for example will be a valuable skill that is taught and assessed.

What will I learn?

The six thematic contexts are:
• My personal world
• Lifestyle and wellbeing
• My neighbourhood
• Media and technology
• Studying and my future
• Travel and tourism

How will I be assessed and when will I be assessed?

Listening – 25% - final exam
Speaking – 25% - teacher-conducted exam (externally marked)
Reading – 25% - final exam
Writing – 25% - final exam


What will this qualification allow me to do?


  • will be able to share interests, ideas and opinions.
  • will learn about the countries in which the language is spoken and have the opportunity to make contact with native speakers of the language.
  • will add an international dimension to their choice of GCSE subjects, which is something many future employers and higher education providers look for.
  • will also learn many skills which are useful in a wide range of future careers such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident about speaking in public and using problem-solving strategies.
  • following the Higher Tier will also receive excellent preparation for further language study at AS and A level.

Useful links & Publications


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