
The Year 8 Pathways process is the first real opportunity for students and their parents to personalise their learning. It is designed to support each individual in choosing the style of courses that match their interests, abilities and preferred way of working so that everyone can achieve the very best quality of results. This, in turn, will support future aspirations.

Students and their parents require clear information, advice and guidance when making these choices. These introductory pages are designed to provide that clarity.

To support this process all students will receive support through PSHE lessons, assemblies and in subject lessons.

The in-school parents evening on 30th January will give parents and students more specific advice from their subject teachers.

We encourage all students to seek advice from their tutors, teachers and parents to ensure that they make the best possible choices to ensure future success.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

All students will study the 5-GCSE core curriculum of:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science (double award)

All will also have 'core' lessons in the following non-examined subjects:

  • Religion and World Views (RWV)
  • Personal and Social Development (PSD)
  • PE

A three-year programme enables students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject that they study and to broaden their knowledge. It also enables the development of skills such as independent enquiry, teamwork, problem solving and reflection that are essential for future academic and workplace success, but that are so often sidelined due to the pressure of a two-year KS4 curriculum.

The amount of content in the current GCSE specifications has increased from earlier GCSEs and examinations are more rigorous. Having three years to complete KS4 courses and develop the necessary skills will mean that students can retain more of the breadth (number) of courses that they currently enjoy. They also develop background knowledge and skills in the context of that subject. If courses were taught over just two years we may have to reduce the number of courses to give each course more lesson time.

The 'English Baccalaureate' (EBacc)

The ‘English Baccalaureate’ is not an actual qualification, but is a collection of traditional, academic subjects that demonstrates a broad curriculum and therefore ‘opens doors’ for students in their futures. Students take a humanities GCSE and a language GCSE in addition to their maths, English and science. At HCHS the majority of students then take three other courses of their choice, which could be GCSEs, vocational equivalents, or a combination of the two types of qualification.

Please click here for the DfE parent guide to EBacc

Vocational Courses

These have been chosen to be equivalent to GCSEs but are assessed in a different way. They have a more practical ‘workplace’ focus and tend to have 60% of the assessment through coursework, with a reduced amount of assessment / exams at the end of Year 11.

Maths and English Booster

We acknowledge that some students need a little extra support to achieve a grade 4 in their maths and English. Our three-year programme gives us the scope for these students to follow a booster programme in the place of one GCSE option. The programme is specifically designed to develop and practice the skills required to help boost those students likely to achieve a grade 2 or 3 to a grade 4. These students are likely to take this programme in place of a language GCSE. A recommendation will be made to students who would benefit from this programme.

Additional SEND support

Some students have been already receiving additional support in English and maths through our Aspire department, and this will continue as part of our planned curriculum. If appropriate, they will be offered a vocational ASDAN qualification in workplace skills. These students will therefore take a reduced number of GCSE or NCFE courses, enabling additional support. 




December 2024
Email sent home, inviting parents to the options evening.

09 January 2025
Y8 assembly: overview of the process.

14th January 2025
Assembly to introduce students to GCSE vs vocational subjects in certain subjects.

Options information evening for parents and students. Course guide available online.

23rd January 2025
Y8 Careers Fair

January/February 2025
PSD lessons focused on how to make informed choices.

Taster lessons in subjects, including 'new' subjects (e.g. Business).

Online information available about each course. Facility to ask questions via an online form.

30th January 2025
Y8 Parents Evening (in school), an opportunity to discuss possible options with subject teachers.

12th February 2025
Y8 Pathways option forms deadline

May/June 2025
Students and parents will be informed after the Easter break if a reserve choice needs to be used. A further discussion will take place to confirm a final selection of courses.

July 2025
Mr Johnston to send out letters to parents and students confirming pathway/option choices that will start in September 2025.

General Advice & Guidance

Students should

  • Research the information about the type of courses they wish to study, as well as the subjects.
  • Discuss their ideas with their parents/carers, subject teachers, form tutor and Key Stage 3 team.
  • Choose subjects that they enjoy and that support progression to subjects/careers in the future.
  • Choose subjects that give them the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects. In doing so we hope they will develop a wide range of skills. Since most students will change their minds about career a number of times before (and after) leaving school, they would be wise to leave their options open.
  • Consider the pressure of coursework deadlines if too many subjects are chosen that have ongoing assessment throughout the course.
  • Should give careful consideration to the balance of work in Key Stage 4 courses and other school activities.
  • Be realistic about the courses that will bring them the greatest success.

Students should not

  • Choose subjects because a particular friend has chosen them
  • Make a choice based on their like or dislike of a particular teacher

Pathways Advice and Guidance

There are a number of useful websites that may help students and their parents/carers when selecting their options:

Excellent information around careers can be found through Unifrog. Students all have their own login, and have had PSD sessions to support their use of the platform.

Students can also obtain impartial advice and guidance from Mrs. Louise Price in the careers office.

Students can complete the various online questionnaires available to help identify their preferred way of working, interests and future aspirations.
The National Qualification Framework


Please click here or use the link at the bottom of the menu to access the appropriate pathway form. Instructions for completion are given on the form.