Awarding Body
National Curriculum for PE
Course Level
Qualifications worth
What is the Course?
All pupils receive two hours per week of Core PE. In these activities, pupils will work towards gaining competence and expertise in performing, coaching and officiating.
What will I learn?
As well as traditional activities, such as Rugby, Football, Netball, Hockey, Girls Football, Rounders, Cricket, Tennis, Gymnastics and Athletics, pupils will also have the opportunity to take part in more recreational activities to encourage life-long participation. These activities could include Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, Yoga, Golf, Dance, Trampolining, Aerobics and Ultimate Frisbee to name a few of the available choices.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment takes place through teacher observations.
When will I be assessed?
Assessment is on-going throughout core PE lessons. Termly fitness tests are performed.
Additional Information
It is essential that students remember the correct PE kit for lessons so that activities can be performed safely.
What will this qualification allow me to do?
Taking regular physical exercise is vital in promoting a healthy lifestyle. As students progress through the school, the emphasis of core PE shifts to encouraging lifelong participation and enjoyment in physical activity.