Cyber First Success

We are very excited that a team of cyber security specialists from Year 8 have made it through to the semifinals of the Cyberfirst competition. This is a national competition that is encouraging girls to enter the world of IT and cyber security and they have done incredibly well to get through to the top ten for this region.

The girls: Luna Wood, Darya Rega, Hannah Thwaites and Ellie Dzydzan have had to crack codes, solve puzzles and decipher clues in a series of online challenges.

They will be competing for a place in the national finals very soon and we wish them all the very best of luck.



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Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
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