The Hanley and Upton Education Trust is a cross-phase Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), founded in April 2017 to build upon the already close partnership that exists within the pyramid of schools.

The HUET provides a strong core of schools in the area with a shared ethos of excellence and family values. In addition, it seeks to build closer links with other schools in order to improve further the quality of educational provision for all children in its geographical area and beyond.

The MAT provides high quality educational provision for our children from the ages of 4 to 19. The founding emphasis is on autonomy for strong schools, retaining the distinctive nature of each school.

The HUET is committed to eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity, and fostering good relations between all people when carrying out its activities. To fulfil this duty, the HUET will consider the needs of all individuals in shaping policy, in delivering services, and in relation to its own employees. In particular, the HUET will have due regard to the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race or nationality, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, and sexual orientation.

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