Who To Contact

Where to find us 

Hanley Castle High School

Church End

Hanley Castle



Telephone: 01684 593241

Absence line: 08448 481620 

Fax: 01684 593910

E-mail: office@hanleycastlehs.org.uk


Please see below for 'who to contact'


Who to contact


Normally, the first contact for parents is the Key Stage Leader or your child's Form Tutor.


Email contacts for parents:

For any matters regarding absence (this could include notification of a planned medical appointment or informing school of a child’s absence due to illness) the following email address should be used:





For any matters linked to pastoral care, the following email address should be used by parents:





Acting Key Stage 3 Leader (Years 7, 8 and 9):  Mr. P. Smith  (Tel: 01684 593241 Option 3)

Key Stage 4 Leader (Years 10 and 11):  Mrs. J. Mason   (Tel: 01684 593241 Option 4)

Key Stage 5 Leader (Years 12 and 13):  Mr. S. Cook   (Tel: 01684 593241 Option 5)


HCHS Leadership Team

Please contact in the first instance via office@hanleycastlehs.org.uk

Headteacher: Mr. Mark Stow

Deputy Headteacher: Mr. Rob Johnston

Deputy Headteacher [Child Welfare and support, and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children]: Mrs. Sarah Anderson-Kirby

Assistant Headteacher [Teaching and Learning]: Mrs. Jacqui Burrows

Assistant Headteacher [Tracking student progress]: Mr. Darran Findlater

Business Manager: Mrs. Elaine Wilkins

Chair of Academy Standards Committee (Governors): Mrs. Kate Taylor


Chair of HUET Board: Mr. Tim Sinden


Click here to access our prospectus, including a full list of school staff  

Click here for an outline of our concerns and complaints procedure

Click here if you would like to request absence from school for reasons other than illness

Click here for the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust website

Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
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GCSE Results
Hanley Castle High School’s Class of 2023 is celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results as grade bo...
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