Hanley Castle High School
Church End, Hanley Castle, Worcester. WR8 0BL
Telephone: 01684 593241
E-mail: office@hanleycastlehs.org.uk
For any matters regarding Year 7-11 attendance/absence the following email address should be used (this could include notification of a planned medical appointment or informing school of a child’s absence due to illness):
Please click here to contact us if you are not currently a parent at the school
Parents of current students: please see below for 'who to contact'
Who to contact (current students)
For pastoral or wellbeing matters, the first contact for parents is your child's Head of Year or Form Tutor. However, for subject specific curriculum matters please use the subject emails below.
Years 7-11 pastoral / wellbeing matters:
Year7@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Head of Year Miss Powell-Davies
Year8@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Head of Year Mr Scott-Walker
Year9@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Head of Year Mr Howard
Year10@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Head of Year Mr Smith
Year11@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Head of Year Mr Scanlan
aspire@hanleycastlehs.org.uk - Aspire (SEND) department
Sixth Form
Pastoral/wellbeing/attendance matters: KS5@hanleycastlehs.org.uk
Subject Specific Matters
Subject | email address |
Art | Art@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Business, economics & travel | Business@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Computing & IT | Computing@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Drama & theatre studies | Drama@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
English & film | English@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Citizenship | Citizenship@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Humanities (geography, history, RWV, politics) | HumanitiesHCHS@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Maths | Maths@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
MFL (French, German) | MFL@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Physical Education | PE@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Science (biology, chemistry, physics, psychology) | Science@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Music | Music@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Design and Technology (textiles, food, product design) | Tech@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
Personal and social development (PSD) | PSD@hanleycastlehs.org.uk |
HCHS Leadership Team
Please contact members of the Leadership Team in the first instance via office@hanleycastlehs.org.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Mark Stow
Deputy Headteacher: Mr. Rob Johnston
Deputy Headteacher [Child Welfare and support, and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children]: Mrs. Sarah Anderson-Kirby
Assistant Headteacher [Teaching and Learning]: Mrs. Jacqui Burrows
Assistant Headteacher [Tracking student progress]: Mr. Darran Findlater
Assistant Headteacher [post-16 / Head of Sixth Form]: Mr. Sam Cook
Assistant Headteacher [Behaviour and Culture]: Mrs. Jan Mason
Business Manager: Mrs. Elaine Wilkins
SENDCo: Mr. James Laidler
Chair of Academy Standards Committee (Governors): Mr. Gideon White
Chair of HUET Board: Mr. Tim Sinden