Slapton Geography Fieldtrip

On a cold morning in January, eighty-six Year 10s boarded the bus for Slapton Sands, to take part in their first residential geography field trip. After settling in to the accommodation for the next few nights we went straight down to the beach to measure beach profiles. By calculating the angle and width of the beach at equal intervals along the coast, students could begin to assess how physical processes such as longshore drift have affected the characteristics of the coast.

The next day was spent in Plymouth for a day of human geography. Following a transect in to the city, students collected data looking at how the suburbs of the city compared to the centre using both qualitative and quantitative methods. A final trip to the beach on the Friday concluded the trip. This time students looked specifically at the impact coastal flooding and erosion was having on the village of Torcross and how local people's lives are being influenced by erosion.

The students were absolutely fantastic and I would like to thank them for their hard work over the trip.

Miss Dunn



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