Hanley Castle Warhammer Club

Warhammer is a table top war game set in a fantasy universe where two or more players can complete against one another with their armies.

The outcomes of these battles are determined through a combination of dice rolls and simple maths and players need to weigh up multiple criteria to assess risk.

The players also build and paint miniature models made of plastic or metal that represent their warriors and fighting vehicles.

Becky Y7 says: “Warhammer club is lots of fun and lets you build and paint different things. You can then fight against each other if you like. It can take a while to make some of the figures but it is great fun and you can make many new friends or work on your own”

Warhammer club meets every Thursday lunchtime in E11 (Starting again after half term Thursday 28th February)

Thanks to Miss Mitchell from Key Stage 3 who has set this up for our students.

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