"Dinner Table" Conversations - Are humans ruining the earth?

What a buzz there was around school this morning as we started the first of our "Dinner Table" Conversation sessions.

These 30 minute sessions are designed to encourage "academic debate" and give great opportunities for student leadership too.

This week, Y12 students led group discussions in Y8 tutor groups and Y9 students worked with Y7 on the key question of "Are humans ruining the earth?".  All students had had some time to research and consider the question in advance - for example by looking at the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, so that they were prepared to put across their points of view.  Y12 and Y9 students managed the group conversations brilliantly and Y7 and 8 are becoming more confident in expressing their opinions, adding reasons and examples.

In addition to considering the question, students were challenged to try to include some key Tier 2 vocabulary in their discussions to practise this useful language.


We are all looking forward to the next session.

Thanks to everyone who got involved.


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