Nine Sixth Formers were guests at New College Worcester (a national residential school and college for blind and visually impaired students) on Friday, where we had the pleasure of being taught the game of blind cricket. Tommy a Sixth Form student at the college led the session, as an England international he was both very skilled and very knowledgeable. We all donned blindfolds and enjoyed a training session involving learning the rules as well as learning how to bowl and bat. Once completed we had a game against the NCW students and promptly lost!
It was an amazing two hour experience and our senses, bravery and skills were challenged – giving us a small insight into and great appreciation of the challenges faced by others. We have been challenged to go back and play goal ball and I don’t like our chances as they have two England internationals in a team of three!
The photograph shows Daisy batting and Sian wicket-keeping, facing bowling from the NCW students.
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