Students at Hanley Castle High School have produced a magnificent set of A Level results yet again this summer. All students entered in an A Level subject passed their qualification, and the proportion of top A*-A grades awarded was over 28%. The proportion of students achieving A*-B grades and A*-C grades were 60% and 85% respectively; both well above the results achieved nationally.
Read MoreHanley Castle High School’s Class of 2023 is celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results as grade boundaries return to 2019 levels, with well over a fifth of all passes awarded at the top grades 7, 8 or 9.
Read MoreThe Hanley Year 13 Class of 2023 have performed fantastically in their first set of external examinations. The overall pass rate was just shy of 98% and the proportion of top A*-A grades awarded was 28%; more than double the proportion back in 2019, which was the last comparable set of results. The proportion of students achieving A*-B grades and A*-C grades were 54% and 77% respectively; both comparing favourably with the results achieved locally and nationally.
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