
Head of Subject: Mrs E. Elliott


Click here for Curriculum Purpose Statement for this subject


Subject overview:

To encourage and develop the students' reading, writing and oracy skills so that they can engage with a wide range of texts, tasks and discussions. There is an emphasis on exploring our literary heritage and that of other cultures, understanding how language reflects a range of contexts, purposes and audiences, and reading for enjoyment.


Click here for a term-by-term curriculum outline for each year group


Year 7: Forms and Genres

The novel: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Poetry: an introduction
Myths and Legends inc. Drama: Homer’s Odyssey
Drama: introduction to Shakespeare


Year 8: Voices and Perspectives

Contemporary Fiction: When the Sky Falls – Phil Earle
Poetry voices: Jackie Kay and John Agard
Cultural Capital: Justice, Change and Action (short stories)
Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing


Year 9: Into the World

Purple Hibiscus - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Poetry from Different Cultures and Traditions
Cultural Capital: Power, Freedom and Control (short stories)
The Crucible – Arthur Miller
Shakespeare: Othello or Merchant of Venice


Key Stage 4:

AQA GCSE English Language
AQA GCSE English Literature



OCR A Level English Literature
OCR A Level English Language
AQA A Level English Language & Literature
EDUQAS A Level Film Studies

Summer Term Newsletter #9 July 2024
Summer Term Newsletter #9 July 2024
Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
GCSE Results
GCSE Results
Hanley Castle High School’s Class of 2023 is celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results as grade bo...