Prospectus and Results

Please click here to download a pdf version of our prospectus


Performance Measure (End of Year 11) 2023 (2023 Worcs Avg) (2023 National Avg)
Progress 8 +0.3 est not reported  
Attainment 8 50.5 46  
% of all grades at 7 or better  22% not reported  
% attaining grade C / 4 or better in En and Ma 75% 66%  
% attaining grade C / 5 or better in En and Ma 50% 45%  
% entered for all 5 EBacc subjects 53% not reported  
% attaining EBacc measure (grade C / 4+ in all 5 subjects) 27% 24%  
% attaining EBacc measure (grade C / 5+ in all 5 subjects) 16% 17%  
EBacc average point score 4.5 4.0  
 % staying in education or employment after year 11 (previous cohort data) tbc tbc   


Performance Measures (End of 16-18 studies) 2023 2019
Average point score for A-level entry 35.9 31.02
Average point score for A-level entry expressed as a grade B- C
Value-added score (A-levels - Academic) N/A  -0.09
Value-added score (Applied General) N/A  +0.61
Percentage of A-level grades at A*-A 28% 12%
Percentage of A-level grades at A*-B 54% 36%
Percentage of A-level grades at A*-C 76% 73%
Percentage of students gaining AAB+ in facilitating subjects 18% 8%

2023 value-added data will not be published in line with DfE recommendations

Please click here to view the DfE School Performance website

Ofsted reports

Please click on the Ofsted logo to link through to the HCHS page on the Ofsted website.


Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Summer Term Newsletter #8 May 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Spring Term Newsletter - #7 February 2024
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
Autumn Term Newsletter - #6 November 2023
GCSE Results
GCSE Results
Hanley Castle High School’s Class of 2023 is celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results as grade bo...
A-level success
A-level success
The Hanley Year 13 Class of 2023 have performed fantastically in their first set of external examina...